Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I went to go take a shower a few minutes ago, and my water won't turn on. Naturally I think my brother screwed something up.. so I kept trying. Then I think to go check all of the other faucets and stuff, and none of those work either. I call my mom telling her and she goes "Ughh, probably cause I didn't pay the bill. I'll call thm"

So my water has been turned off. And I realllllyy need to shower and brush my teeth. Not that I'm really dirty or anything, I showered last night, but I wanna shower so I can get ready for the rest of my day. Hopefully my mom pays the bill so I can shower and brush my teeth. Blllahhhh.'d be kinda cool if the Sims had like..separate bills for everything like electriciy, water, etc. And if they didn't pay the bills, those things could get shut off. Hahahh :0

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