Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow! This is so stupid!

Okay, wow... that is so dumb! I go on my Sims 2 account just because, and I have this questbook signing.
First off... Yeah, I didn't ask to use her skin, but I didn't even know who I got it from. It was just in the Skins that I had installed in my game, so I used it. I didn't even say that I made it.
And I doubt she even made it cause I went to her page and she has 0 anything.
And I went to my upload, and In the custom content section there is nothing for the skin. And her username isn't anywhere. So she has no proof that it was hers.
It's not like I intentionally took her skin. I didn't know how I downloaded it from! I downloaded so much.
Anyway. I'm just annoyed.
I made the Sim on July 26 2007! And she just now complained to me about it 3 days ago. WTF. HAHAHAHA.

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